Here i will tell u about the concerts i have been and what happend after it....
Soltau (23.07.2006):
I was on this open-air concert with my dad and my younger brother.

There was a fence so u can't look into the backstage-area, but after the concert i sat down on my dads shoulders, so i was the only one who could look there...
I waited a few minutes than i saw Bill with another man comming in my direction.

I screamed "Bill, Biiiiiiiiiiiill" and he looked to me, smiled and waved one hand to me

. In that moment I didn't realized that Bill could only saw me!!! With the man he went to a car and i couldn't see what they were doing there. Then they went back and disapeared behind the cars...
I also saw Gustav, but he wasn't so near to me and he didn't saw me... :-(
Bremen (29.04.2007):
I didn't find someone that wanted to go with me to that concert, so i decided to go alone.

The concert was great like the first concert i have been, but one thing was better than at the concert in Soltau - the stage - !

After the show i went behind building and waited with some other fans for the tourbus of TH that had to come out here. Some anti-th-fans were there aswell, thats why 3 police-cars came to safeguard the situation...

After 1 hour the bus came, but TH didn't come out... :-(

My parents fetched me and on the way home i thought that TH must drive the same way than we do when they r driving to the next concert in Hamburg. So i askedmy dad to drive a bit faster so we might catch up them. And really, after some kilometres on the motorway i saw the bus! We pursue the bus like some other cars. Some of the other cars were also fans and some were ppl of THs crew i think.

The bus drove to Hambur and there it stoped behind the concert-building. It was 1 o'clock in the night and i gave up the idea to see TH, because they sure slept already....