24.12.2007 I know u have definitely a lot of questions u want to ask TH, haven't u? Now u have the chance to ask 5 of this questions... Just write an email to Fans@TokioHotel.de until Dec. 31st, but not more than 5 questions... Very important, write "Canada-Questions for TH" in the subject line and subscribe the free canadian TH Newsletter here: tokiohotel.pop24.de/tokiohotel2/index2_en-ca.php The 5 best questions will be send to the guys.
22.12.2007 Bill was stung by a wasp. He is allergic to this animal thats why his face looked so swelled-up in the last time...
The first CD that was realesed in the USA "Scream America" was a limited edition and is now sold out! Thats a really success! And i think its the first signal that TH will be big in the USA next year! Do u think TH will make it?
Say ur opinion untill the end of this year on the right --->
...if u havn't done yet ...
Tokio Hotel were voted "Band of the Year 2007" at the Kid's Choice Awards in Milan (Italy).
Tokio Hotel might release a third album in March
20.000 Tokio Hotel fans all over Germany went to the cinema to celebrate the world-premiere of the new Tokio Hotel DVD, "Zimmer 483 - Live in Europe". 08.12.2007 At Thursday the 13th December Tokio Hotel will give autographs in spain at Carrefour Alcobendas from 6pm to 8pm. More informations look here: www.carrefour.es/hipermercados/guia_hipermercados/alcobendas.html
On the 14th December at 2pm Tokio Hotel will be at a live webchat here: www.habbo.es 07.12.2007
Tokio Hotel will be at the NRJ Music Awards at January 28th 2008!
The NRJ Award is one of the most prominent awards you can receive as a musician in France. The voting just started and Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg are nominated in the category `Group / Dou International´ ("best international group").
You can vote here: nrjmusicawards.nrj.fr/
Tom has passed his driving test... 06.12.2007 Tom bought a Cadillac for over $95,000 !
05.12.2007 TH will release a single in the USA at the 11th December.
It is called "Scream America!" and is a limited Edition with 2 Songs:
"Scream" and "Ready Set Go!"
This is the cover:
You can buy it here: www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000Y80L84/ref=s9_asin_image_1